PSAPs continue to struggle with staffing and classification issues, and the Program supports efforts to improve recruiting and retention at 911 centers for the thousands of telecommunicators working to serve their communities across the U.S.
The National 911 Program supports the work of the 911 community to provide training strategies for telecommunicators and has previously convened a working group of 911 associations to develop recommended minimum training guidelines for telecommunicators. Managers and supervisors may also be certified as emergency number professionals (ENPs) or certified public-safety executives (CPEs). Some 911 professionals are certified as emergency medical dispatchers (EMDs), emergency fire dispatchers (EFDs) or emergency police dispatchers (EPDs). This varied governance produces a unique challenge for training telecommunicators, as each agency may have its own educational standards. Throughout the nation, 911 call centers or public safety answering points (PSAPs)-also called Emergency Communication Centers (ECCs)-are managed by a variety of local and state agencies. They may also provide instructions to the 911 caller, which in many cases is essential to stabilizing or saving a life. They begin the important work of obtaining essential information, remaining calm, calming others, and sending the appropriate responders to the right location. Public safety telecommunicators are often the first point of contact in an emergency.