
Winston salem forsyth county schools brandon noftle
Winston salem forsyth county schools brandon noftle

winston salem forsyth county schools brandon noftle

Great environment even for students that are antisocial, it helps them be social and get rid of anxiety. Senior: Very good school, little amount of students in each class which gives it better opportunities for students to learn better. For the most part, Southeast is a great school, and I'm glad I got to go there for my middle school years. Very seldom will you hear of students using drugs but it can occur. I think as students, we should be helping our peers and standing up for them when the time is right.

winston salem forsyth county schools brandon noftle

The negative overuse of social media and chat rooms leave kids coming to school upset and having a lonesome feeling. There is still the common problems of bullying that occurs on campus, however, not all of these problems can be addressed by the staff. The only reason I would give Southeast Middle four stars out of five is that no school is perfect, and Southeast is not the exception.

#Winston salem forsyth county schools brandon noftle how to

They actively teach them not only on the lesson but how to be a great friend, leader, and college-ready student. The teachers there care about their students more than anything. I've thrived on my academics and extra-curricular activities there ever since I was in sixth grade. Middle School Student: I absolutely love attending Southeast Middle School.

Winston salem forsyth county schools brandon noftle